Serious Business.

Terrifying thought for the day: my husband, whom I love and serve and want only good things for, is going to have to answer for my sins. When he stands before the Lord he is going to be held accountable for my sins, for my errors. Same as Adam had to do in the garden, because her sin was a reflection of his leadership. So here is my takeaway; the way I behave, the things I say, the way I parent, the way I use my gifts and resources will all be a reflection of how my husband leads in my home. It’s scary. I have a responsibility to aim higher, to try to be better, so that I can be a credit to my husband. So that my behaviour may honour the man I have promised my life to. And here is what else I think, the reason my sin is placed on my husband’s shoulders as well is because that is more motivation for me to do better, to be better. On my own, for myself, I probably wouldn’t care as much or try as hard. It is easy to brush off poor behaviour, poor choices when I am the only one holding the blame. But knowing that the man my heart is tied to is going to be impacted by my badness makes me want to do better. I know it might not make sense, but the wife and mother part of me, the part that finds it easier to put others first, is the part that makes me want to do better. I have an easier time behaving poorly when I am the only one answering for that sin. It is easier to make excuses and brush off the bad feelings when I am standing alone. But I stand alone no longer. I stand beside the man I love. The man I respect. The man I want to honour with my actions. What better way do I have of showing him my love and respect then doing my best to behave and speak and parent in a way that reflects the heart behind his leadership. What better way to be a Proverbs 31 wife then to aim for the true prize, the eternal reward. Doing that will uplift my husband, will reflect his place in our home. The greatest gift I can give Brian is to do my best to be my best. Then his load will be lighter, his burden will be lighter, the sin he will have to answer for will hopefully be less. I can be a better wife by making sure my actions have heaven in mind. Not just for me, but for him.

2 thoughts on “Serious Business.

  1. Dear Tania or is it Tina?
    We have not met but I sit on the far side of the ROCK church and my Beloved (Gordon) runs the board at the back of the church. I do coffee once a month.
    Thank You for your gift of writing and the praise you give to our Lord and Savoir.
    I also have a group I write to…… I call it my JOY Sisters……….not everyday but as the Father leads me I write to them. We women have a big responsibility and I’m glad you have written it out for us as wives (Mother’s) friends and sisters in the LORD I thank you………write on……. write on.
    Blessings Auntie M

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